I cannot believe Sunday was Halloween! As usual our house was in mass chaos! We decided it would be great to have lobster for dinner – the same time we are trying to get the kids ready to trick or treat and the same time the neighborhood kids are ringing our doorbell asking for candy.
Can I tell you – I cannot stand it when the kids ring the doorbell multiple times in a row – and when the door isn’t opened right away – they
keep ringing and knocking – uuuggghh,
I want to just tell them NO CANDY FOR YOU! but my husband gets the door and greats them so nicely!
And then – there are the kids that want to pick out what kind and how much candy they get!
What has the world come to?
Anyway – I cannot believe it is November 2nd…this year has flown by. It has been a long week already. I got in a “fight” with my 2 year old this morning about clothes, food and toys. My one year old son decided to play with his milk in his sippy cup and the table was covered in it! He thinks that is so funny!
Starting tomorrow I will be working my Scentsy booth at the Houston International Quilt Festival. I am very excited to share Scentsy for the event. We will be there Wed, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
I am taking a few vacation days from the higher paying job to work my passion – Scentsy!
I am hopeful we will have a great turn out. A few girls on my team will be there too.
Now, if I can just make it thru the rest of the work day today!