HCG Diet Day 5

Am I actually drinking apple cider vinegar? I am…I am hungry and there are too many tempting foods in this house that I need to stay away from! I got an email from someone today Sporttherapie Gewürzen hin duphaston einnahme 10 tage zu diese gibt wie wirkt...

Day 4 Eating only 500 Calories

Monday marks my first day on the food portion of the HCG diet. I started taking drops on Friday but over the weekend I was allowed to eat my regular diet. Monday, I started the eating plan. I asked the clinic if I would be hungry. They said the first 2 or 3 days I...

Another New Diet

Ok, so you got me, I am on yet another diet! The Dukan Diet was great my first week but then life happened and I had a work function. I lost all will power and had to eat what was being passed around. Not to mention a baseball game outing – well it was over....